
The new Coin Interest Rate is here!

We’ll make this quick… here are the top new features we’ve been working on to make it easier for you to earn more crypto

New platform page design

The improved design makes getting all the details for each platform listed on our site more straightforward and faster. With over 40 platforms indexed and reviewed, our new format will help you make it easier to research all the platforms you want to check out.

Available in the US, still?

As regulators in the US clamp down on earning interest on crypto, we’ve created more tools and more precise info on each page to make it easy to find those services that still serve customers in the states.

This new page lists all the services available for US-based users.

Social reactions + commenting

The social reactions and commenting section, now found at the bottom of each page, is a new feature implemented site-wide. As members continue to interact through simple reactions left on platform reviews or comments posted on articles, you’ll soon be able to get a quick consensus of our community as you share your thoughts, too.

social reactions for platform pages

And comments allow you to ask us questions or comment about the platforms individually, and we’ll do our best to answer every question submitted. Try it out!

New, deeper, standardized reviews

To help you compare platforms, we are creating a new standard review form, longer, more in-depth reviews (with partner collaborators), and a Coin Interest Rate score from our editorial team. Rolling this out is a long-term project, so sit tight and enjoy the ride.

Earn Interest on Crypto

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