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StakingFarm (SCAM) is available in the US. See more crypto interest accounts available for US users.

StakingFarm (SCAM) Interest Rates

StakingFarm (SCAM) Facts

StakingFarm (SCAM) Facts

Founded 2024

Compounding interest


StakingFarm (SCAM) white logo

StakingFarm (SCAM) Review

Is StakingFarm a scam?

⚠️StakingFarm displays many high risk factors and is very likely a scam. Some red flags we’re seeing is high interest rates, no information how yield is generated, generic and low quality marketing/app design, and many bold and unvalidated claims.

However, information is scarce to confirm our claims, do not risk any funds.

We have reached out to the StakingFarm team to secure more information to understand their service and confirm or deny their stated facts and in an effort to document and share accurate information on the internet.

StakingFarm claims to be an optimized staking liquidity pool service with 300k users (unvalidated).

From their website: StakingFarm is a premier crypto staking platform that specializes in generating passive income for its users. With a focus on innovation, security, and user satisfaction, StakingFarm provides comprehensive staking solutions designed to meet the needs of a global investor base. Led by visionary CEO Klajdi Toci, StakingFarm is dedicated to advancing the practice of crypto staking and supporting the ongoing worldwide adoption of cryptocurrencies.For more information, visit StakingFarm’s website and start your staking journey today.

StakingFarm (SCAM) Pros

StakingFarm (SCAM) Cons

Where does StakingFarm (SCAM) rank?

StakingFarm (SCAM) Alternatives

StakingFarm (SCAM) FAQ

Is StakingFarm (SCAM) interest compounded?

No, StakingFarm (SCAM) does not compound interest.

Where is the StakingFarm (SCAM) headquartered/located?

StakingFarm (SCAM) is located in London, UK.

When was StakingFarm (SCAM) founded?

StakingFarm (SCAM) was founded in 2024.

Is StakingFarm (SCAM) available in the USA?

Yes, StakingFarm (SCAM) is available in the USA.

Does StakingFarm (SCAM) pay interest on Bitcoin?

No, StakingFarm (SCAM) does not pay interest on Bitcoin.

Does StakingFarm (SCAM) pay interest on Ethereum?

No, StakingFarm (SCAM) does not pay interest on Ethereum.

Does StakingFarm (SCAM) pay interest on Dogecoin?

No, StakingFarm (SCAM) does not support Dogecoin.

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